October 14, 2010

Weeding My Garden of Life.

So this woman's bible study I am doing hasn't been easy.  This week God has asked me to "Weed My Garden", by replacing negative thoughts(weeds) with positive thoughts (flower seeds).   

 Weeding my garden is easy.
It is keeping the weeds out that is the hard part. 

Most gardeners knows this but
in order to have a weed free flower garden
you have to get to the deep roots so that
the weeds don't grow back. 
If you remove only part of the root the weed still grows and then becomes a problem again and again.
Same in life, if you only deal with the surface issue the root problem is still there.   But I don't have a green thumb and it takes me longer to
really have a weed free garden. 

This bible study is taking me back on a journey that I thought I had conquered. 
 I thought I had gotten to the root of
issues from my past.
But as I continue on this journey I am realizing
 I only pulled at the weeds
and never really got to the root. 
 I also have wondered if my life is ever going to be a weed free garden for Christ.

I doubt it as I am a Born Again sinner who is saved only by the Grace of God.   I will strive to become a better Christian woman. And I will diligently pluck the weeds of my garden to get to the root of God's plan.

My weed's right now have to deal with self image negative thoughts about me,
and how the world is seeing me.  

Where is this weed coming from well The drugs I take to combat Behcet's is making my hair thin quickly, I have sores all over my body and to combat that flair
I took prednisone a steroid which made
 me gain 15 lbs in one week. 
 I see myself as frumpy, plain and fat. This is a weed with deep roots.
 The root is from the words from my childhood that have come back to haunt me again. 
 My mind is telling me that I am ugly, worthless.
From the the words of family, peers, and outside influances I hear over and over again
I am not beautiful to anyone including God.

How do I get rid of these negative weeds and replace them with flowers?   I am seeking God's words. 

Psalm 51:6 Surely you desire truth in the inner parts ; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place.Psalm 45:11 The king is enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord.

1 Peter 3:3-4  (NIV)
3 Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes.
4 Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight.

Remebering all the time that I am God's daughter, His princess not mans princess.  Seeking God first and putting away the harmful thoughts. 

Romans 7:22 -23 (NIV)
For in my inner being I delight in God's law;
23but I see another law at work in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within my members

This is a battle but that battle was won on the Cross!

I pray that you seek to weed your garden too. I pray that your weed roots aren't as deep as mine and if they are I pray God's grace and mercy
while you pluck at these issues.  Seek God first!

Prayerfully Your Sister In Christ

Romans 12:2  And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. (KJV)

Now for a little humor!

Maxine’s Wise Words

1 comment:

  1. I was really drawn to your blog name because it's so beautifully true! Love your space..hope you don't mind if I follow?

    God Bless! ~

